sábado, 10 de enero de 2009

- I don't love you anymore.
- Since when?
- Now. Just now. I don't want to lie. Can't tell the truth, so it's over.
- It doesn't matter. I love you. None of it matters.
- Too late. I don't love you anymore. Goodbye. Here's the truth, so now you can hate me. Larry fucked me all night. I enjoyed it. I came. I prefer you. Now go.
- I knew that. He told me.
- You knew?!
- I needed to hear it from you.
- Why?
- Because he might have been lying. I had to hear it from you.
- I would never have told you, because I know you would have never forgived me.
- I would. I have.
- Why did he tell you?
- Because he's a bastard.
- How could he?
- Because he wanted this to happen.
- But why test me?
- Because I'm an idiot.
- Yes. I would have loved you... forever. Now, please go.
- Don't do this, Alice. Please, talk to me.
- I am talking. Fuck off.
- I'm sorry. You misunderstand! I didn't mean to.
- Yes you did.
- I love you!
- Where?!
- What?!
- Show me! Where is this love? I... I can't see it, I can't touch it. I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can't do anything with your easy words. Whatever you say is too late.
- Please, don't do this!
- Done. Now, please go, or I'll call security.
- No, you're not in a strip club, there is no security. Why did you fuck him?
- I wanted to.
- Why?
- I desired him.
- Why?
- You weren't there!
- Why him?
- He asked me nicely.
- You're a liar.
- So?
- Who are you?!
- I'm no one! 

4 comentarios:

Ce dijo...

Punto nº1: No me robes a mi actriz ¬¬
Punto nº2: No me robes la canción de duffy ¬¬
Punto nº3: No me robes mis encuestas :)
Punto nº4: ¿Cómo te puede no gustar alguien pero si estar enamorado?
Punto nº5: Igual no leí con atención lo que contestabas eh n.n

Te quiero, entro y te firmo solo por esa puta razón. Por suerte no me afectó nada :p

Ce dijo...

PD: Odio que tu hermanita nunca duerma y no deje que te conectes y me hagas feliz :(

Ce dijo...

Pará...recién caigo...me nombraste en tu blog o.O

Ce dijo...

No, no hay más comentarios n.n

Ok, te sigo